Get Rekt! A Kyan Reki Fanzine

Get Rekt! is an A5, for-profit fanzine dedicated to Sk8's very own, Reki!


Get Rekt! is a Kyan Reki fanzine
We are a for-profit, A5 project!
We hope to feature art, writing, merch, and maybe even some cosplay and other forms of media if you folks are interested in that!
Interest Check: June 19th - July 16th
Contributor Apps: August 1st to September 17th
Contributor Results: October 8th
Pitches Due: October 23rd
Check-in 1: November 20th
Check-in 2: December 18th
Check-in 3: January 9th
Final Submissions Due: February 8th
Shop Open: Spring 2024schedule is subject to change

Rio | Format & Shipping Mod

hi! it’s rio, excited to work on a zine dedicated to one of my favorite boys <3Tumblr

Grey | Finance Mod

hi! i'm a gremlin who hoards collects zines :3Carrd

Alex | Writing Mod

I’m Alex and I’m here to add a well needed amount of dumbassery to the mod team. Reki is actually my biological son.Twitter

DaddyJiro | Art Mod

Really just three opossum in a trenchcoat, but don't tell the cult leader.Twitter

Izzy | Graphics & Social Media Mod

Hi there! My name is Izzy, and Reki is my sweet silly son! I'm so excited to be here and celebrate him!Twitter

What's a fanzine?
Is a collective work by fans for fans! Usually consists of either a digital or physical form, fanzines feature a verity of fan creators in the arts, fiction, and more!
What is your policy on AI or traced work?
We will not tolerate any form of traced work, nor will we tolerate any AI generated writing or art. Anyone caught to be using any work that is not theirs, or using any AI generated programs will be removed from this project immediately.
Is this going to be a physical project? And is this for profit, or charity?
We plan to be an A5 booklet, and will be featuring digital and physical merch! Additionally, we are for-profit!
Will this zine be featuring just ships, or is solo allowed?
We will be allowing Solo, Romantic and Platonic works.
We do encourage solo Reki pieces, and will be placing limitations as to how much romantic / ship content featured.
Is there going to be an NSFW extension?
No, this is a SFW project!
Will I be disqualified over my personal preferences or outside fandom preferences?
No, not necessarily! We welcome all to join in the Reki fun, and will not be disqualifying candidates due to their outside interests or even ship preferences.
We will not, however, allow for hate of any kind.
Anyone found to be transphobic, homophobic, fatphobic, racist, antisemitic, or harmful in any way will be removed from our project promptly.
We are here to share our love for Reki, not to spread hate.Are Traditional artists allowed to apply?
Yes, please! All we ask is for clean scans of your pieces!
I'm a cosplayer / musician / creator of other forms - can I still apply?
Yes, please! We'd love to see your work!
Will contributors and mods receive a copy of the zine?
Contributors and Mods will receive a digital copy of this zine, as well as a physical copy, should proceeds allow! Proceeds at the end of the project will also be divided amongst everyone on the team!
Where will communications be held if I am accepted?
All communications will be held in our discord server! We do ask that applicants already have or are willing to make a discord account, should they be accepted!
Are Aus and Canon-divergent content allowed?
By all means! That's fine!
Do you need any more mods?
At this time, we are a full team!


Have a question for us? Feel free to dm our Twitter page, or send us an email!